Addresses are used on many different levels. First of all, each node has a HW ID (EUI/IEEE address). This is hard coded in the module. When joining a 6LoWPAN network the nodes receive an IPv6 address, but also a short 2-byte address for local use.
The border router gets all new devices and has a total overview. It can also read the HW ID.
So all the nodes know their own addresses and the border router has the complete overview. If a device needs to know the address of other devices, this process is called service discovery. This is handled on the application layer, but might use
- a) user interaction(button) or
- b) a central tool/app.
Multicast is a very good feature to use here.
Last Update: January 24, 2020
January 24, 2020 1374 RIIM Q&A