Do you want to learn more about our Sub-GHz mesh networking solution, RIIM, optimized for Smart Irrigation Networks? Schedule a TEAMS Web Meeting with us or leave a message on our contact form.

smart irrigation

Do you need cost-effective, ultra-low power and long range connectivity for your Smart Irrigation system? A system capable of opening/closing a valve in a few seconds and covering an area of approximately 80×80 km squared on a single gateway with up to 1000 devices?  Then Radiocrafts’ ultra low power Sub-GHz Mesh (RIIM) is the solution for you!

smart irrigation sensors
smart drip irrigation
smart irrigation valve control
smart irrigation control station
RIIM Sub-GHz Wireless Mesh Network - Long Range

Cover a large area - 80 x 80 km, up to 1400 meters between each device

RIIM Sub-GHz Wireless Mesh Network - High Node Count

Large network - Up to 1000 devices on a single gateway

Wireless Sub-Metering Network - Two-way communication

2-way communication for sensors and valve control

RIIM Sub-GHz Wireless Mesh Network - Ultra-Low Power For Battery operation

Very Low Power - 7+ years battery lifetime on 2 AA batteries

RIIM Sub-GHz Wireless Mesh Network - OTA Updates

Over-The-Air Updates

RIIM Sub-GHz Wireless Mesh Network - Advanced Security

Unmatched reliability - 99.99% data transmission success rates

Radiocrafts’ Solution For Smart Irrigation Systems – RIIM

RIIM by Radiocrafts is an easy-to-use, Sub-GHz, wireless communication network completely embedded in an RF module. It incorporates all the necessary components for a comprehensive wireless network and doesn’t entail any license fees or subscription costs. It is ready to go when you buy the module. Additionally, the self-forming, self-healing, self-optimizing nature of RIIM mesh greatly simplifies the installation and implementation of your smart irrigation system.

Exceptional Long Range and Scalability

RIIM supports several features allowing you to cover a vast area of around 80×80 km squared in a semi open rural environment. For example, it supports up to 1400 meters communication range between devices. As an additional feature, a RIIM packet can spread across the network by hopping from device to device up to 28 timesHaving a single border router (gateway) that can support up to 1000 devices, as well as offering long range and coverage, reduces installation costs by requiring fewer gateways for large-scale deployments.

Additionally, the RIIM Mesh Router enables all battery devices in the network to further extend the network coverage by handling down to 20uA @ 3.3v average power consumption.

Read more about RIIM range test results in the application notes below.

Smart Irrigation Network

Unmatched Robustness and Reliability

RIIM supports unmatched reliability in data transmission success rates thanks to the Time Synchronized Channel Hopping (TSCH) feature. TSCH works by re-sending a data packet that was lost between two devices on a different channel in the next available time slot. The channel hopping mode is designed to make a mesh network with fewer packet collisions and higher reliability. A TSCH network has a proven reliability rate of 99.99% successful data packets. 

Adaptive Frequency Agility is also supported by RIIM which increases networking throughput while minimizing packet loss by raising the allowed duty cycle in Europe from 1% to around 40%. High-throughput networking is not a big issue in the US, but you can still leverage its robustness. Using an example, this means that you can now go from 1 packet reaching the Border Router every 4 seconds to 40 packets reaching the Border Router every 4 seconds! Modern Smart Irrigation deployments require vast amounts of data communication, making this feature essential to keep up. For even more data throughput, RIIM supports a 150 kbps mode as well. 

RIIM also provides detection of faulty nodes. Every node is asked by the Border Router if it is still connected to the network. If the Border Router does not receive a reply from one of the nodes, it means that this node is lost.

Learn more about TSCH and Adaptive Frequency Agility in the application notes and demos below.

AFA Reliability Demo!

Market-Leading Radio For Smart Irrigation

High-Throughput Demo!

Quick and Efficient Valve Control and Time Synchronized Events

RIIM includes the ICI framework. An ICI application is always running on the module to tailor the modules behavior to the customers unique requirements. The ICI application configures the radio network, the modules hardware interfaces, and defines when to read/write to those interfaces. ICI makes it possible for the user to directly interface to virtually any sensor and/or actuator, such as a soil moisture sensors, water valve control, UV sensors, rain/freeze sensors, wind sensors, and more, removing the need for external circuitry. It supports mist computing to reduce bandwidth requirements and for fast responses to local events.


2-way symmetrical communication, which is essential for valve control, is supported by a RIIM network. Many other IoT solutions have been designed with one-way sensor data communication in mind, making this an important point. In addition to collecting sensor readings, smart irrigation systems typically need to control devices such as valves. Valve control is an example of down-link communication, something many popular LPWAN technologies struggle to support in a scalable manner. From the beginning, RIIM was designed to support this in a scalable manner. For example, RIIM only takes a couple of seconds to open/close valves where other LPWANS use more than a minute! We say that RIIM is a fully symmetric solution because it handles down-link communication as well as up-link communication.

Another benefit of fully symmetric communication is that it can support Over-The-Air Updates. This means when the network is deployed/in full operation, the you can update your user-defined ICI firmware. When the need arises you can add new sensors/controllers. With Smart Irrigation Systems, touchless updates of firmware are important because many locations are hard to reach and will be in operation for a long time.

Smart Irrigation also requires time synchronization to manage exact start and stop times for specific events. For example, you might need to start irrigation of a certain part of the field immediately after irrigation stops in another part.

Learn more about Time-Synchronization and an example code in ICI in the application notes and demo videos below.

Valve Control Demo!

Time-Synchronization Demo

Market-Leading Low Power For Battery Operated Devices

RIIM also supports long-lasting projects with low power consumption for battery operated devices.

RIIM has several features that reduce power consumption enabling more than 15+ years battery lifetime on 2 AA batteries, including:

  1. The chosen electronic components inside are low power to start with.
  2. The network end nodes can be put in “Sleepy” mode, reducing the current consumption to 4.7 uA. 2.8 uA in deep sleep mode.
  3. The module’s output power is configurable to avoid consuming more power than necessary during transmission.
  4. RIIM nodes can sleep when there is no time slot for incoming/outgoing RF data packets.
  5. The RIIM nodes can handle down to 35uA @ 3.3v average power consumption enabling all battery devices in the network to further extend the network coverage. 20 uA using 150 kbps mode.
  6. RIIM supports cloud computing which enables you to save substantial power by performing data processing. Instead of sending all raw sensor reading data to the cloud, the user can just send the interesting data.

Read more about RIIM’s low power capabilities in the application notes and demos below.

Deep Sleep in RIIM Demo!

Next-Gen Smart Irrigation Evaluation Kit!

Radiocrafts has developed a Next-Gen Smart Irrigation Evaluation Kit for you who wants to test the RIIM network for your irrigation project. 

The Evaluation Kit was designed to provide a quick and easy-to-use prototyping solution for both residential and professional segments.

The Evaluation Kit Comes With:

  • 4 Development Boards with RIIM Mesh modules
  • 1 Mesh Router – Gateway connected to the Irrigation Controller
  • 3 Mesh Routers – Devices in the field/garden. Ex: Irrigation probes, valve control, read flow meters
  • 4 AA Battery Holders
  • 4 antennas
  • 1 USB Cable
Smart Irrigation Evaluation Kit Boards

We also performed a couple of field tests with the Evaluation Kit in both a farm environment and urban environment to test the range, latency, and low capabilities of RIIM.

Learn more about the Evaluation Kit and the results of the field tests we ran in the short videos below or on our dedicated Smart Irrigation Evaluation Kit landing page.

Market-Leading Radio For Smart Irrigation

Radiocrafts' Next-Gen Smart Irrigation Evaluation Kit!

Support Tools For RIIM

We recommend that you buy a RIIM Development Kit in your early stage product evaluation. The development kits are designed to be easy to use and to very quickly support a wireless link or network, where you can make a good analysis of the network performance. 

RIIM is supported in most countries in the world. Explore the possibilities of using RIIM in your country in the application note below!

You can buy the RIIM Development kit from:

Read more about the RIIM Network here.

Learn about the different RIIM Parts and Tools here.

Read our extensive documentation on RIIM, including datasheets, User Manuals, Development Kit documentation, Application Notes and more, here.

Download Software Tools for RIIM here.

Watch tutorial videos on how to use the RIIM Development Kit here.

Do you want to learn more about our Sub-GHz mesh networking solution, RIIM, optimized for Smart Irrigation Networks? Schedule a TEAMS Web Meeting with us or leave a message on our contact form.