Supporting Software Descriptions - Radiocrafts

Supporting Software Descriptions

Radiocrafts offers a range of PC software tools to support the evaluation and development of new applications. The tools provide a fast way to create the configuration data needed to configure the module for use in a specific application, and to create a fully functional wireless network.

There are several different software tools that allow the designer to easily set up a network and to generate the required configuration data for the module. These tools include software development kits (SDKs), demo firmware, monitoring and analysis dashboard tools and more. All the tools are downloaded with one installation file, one for each product family. The Radiocrafts tools can be downloaded free of charge and will run on a PC under Microsoft Windows.

To see a more in depth description of the RIIM Software Tools, click here.

To see a more in depth description of the RIIoT Software Tools, click here.

To see a more in depth description of the RC1880-COP Software Tools, click here.

To see a more in depth description of the IoT Expansion Board Software Tools, click here.

RCTools Installation Guide

RCTools is a powerful and easy to use PC suite that helps you during test, development and deployment of the Radiocrafts modules. The RCTools includes RC_CCT, RC_SA and RC_DT stand alone applications running under windows .Net Framework. The RCTools is free of charge and easily installed (including .NET and USB Driver) by running the setup file.


RCTools is a powerful and easy to use PC suite that helps you during test, development and deployment of the Radiocrafts modules. The RCTools includes RC_CCT, RC_SA and RC_DT stand alone applications running under windows .Net Framework. The RCTools is free of charge and easily installed (including .NET and USB Driver) by running the setup file.

The Configuration and Communication Tool (CCT):

The Configuration and Communication (CCT) tools are made for designers that are creating configuration data for  modules from Radiocrafts. It also allows the designer to send simple data between the modules in a test set-up to verify that data is actually received as intended and that the PHY and Link layer works correctly. The CCT terminal window is transparent on the application layer, i.e. the data that is transmitted will appear as is on the receiver side without any concerns of the content.

The tool works with a board that has serial (UART/USB) connection to a Radiocrafts RF Module, like the Radiocrafts Development Boards. You can also design your own hardware and connect it to the tool via an USB connector.

There is one CCT tool for each product family designated by the family three letter description, CCT-xxx.

To get started, just download the tool from our web-site, install it, and you are ready. The required documentation and the link to the installation files can be found below and in the resource page under software tools.

The Spectrum Analyzer (SA):

The Spectrum Analyzers allows the designer to see the amount of radio traffic that are present at the location of the antenna. This supports the developer to pick the best radio channel and also to find a good location for the antenna, when designing the network.

The DEMO Tools:

The DEMO tool is available for Wireless M-Bus and for KNX-RF. It is used to create Wireless M-Bus or KNX-RF packets that are standard compliant. These tools allow the designer to test the various modes and other settings in the Wireless M-Bus or KNX-RF protocol with a minimum of knowledge of the standards. The DEMO tool can also be used to detect existing data traffic in the air, through the packet sniffer.