RIIM vs ZigBee vs Wi-SUN vs LoRa Technology Comparison

Are you considering a mesh network for your next project but are unsure which wireless technology to use? Or perhaps the existing technology you are using is not performing as expected and you need a change? 

Radiocrafts has been in discussion with several customers who are dissatisfied with their current installations using mesh technologies such as ZigBee, Wi-SUN, and LoRa and want to find a new solution. Complaints we hear often include a lack of reliable scalability, too short range with 2.4 GHz solutions, complex commissioning of nodes, too long latency for control aspects of the deployment and for over-the-air updates (downlink communication), and more.

Do you see similar issues with your installation?

This is where Radiocrafts’ RIIM Sub-GHz Mesh technology offers an optimal solution which answers all of these issues. 

We have therefore created a new technology comparison flyer which describes the technology differences between RIIM and the above mentioned technologies (ZigBee, Wi-SUN, and LoRa) and the applications which each technology thrives most in.

technology comparison