[W-MBUS] Do modules support two way communication in T2 mode Yes Last Update: December 20, 2017 December 20, 2017 2034 Wireless M-Bus Q&A Related Knowledge Base Posts -[W-MBUS] Does MBUS3 or MBUS4 support over-the-air FW download (OAD)?[W-MBUS] How is the RSSI byte value transformed into an attenuation/signal strength value?[W-MBUS] In your RC1180-MBUS datasheet, we can see that the frequency tuning can change between 2 channels in mode S and T (868.3 and 868.95MHz). We chose the 868.95MHz for our transceiver and I would like to know for our test after the production what is the frequency tolerance and if there is a frequency calibration.