Yes, the demo kit shall work out-of-the box.
Last Update: August 8, 2017
December 13, 2016 1879 RC232 Q&A
Related Knowledge Base Posts -
- [RC232] “I have a question for the RC2500HP-RC232, which seems not to be listed in the datasheet. We have the RC2500HP-RC232 connected to a supply voltage of 3.3v. Which voltage will the uart tx output from the RC2500HP-RC232 be? We found a other note on your site, that suggested that it would only have 2.7v on the uart tx pin, even though the module was supplied with 3.3v. “
- [RC232] Where do I read the product ID + min. HW revision + FW revision?
- [RC232] “I bought the RC1180RC232DK (USB). Need quickly connect both modules to RS232 lines, to made a wireless path between angle-sensor and test PC. The actuator should only send each packet (packet of 4×8 bit angle values) to connected PC. Always active after power-up. Is enough to disconnect the jumpers from/to Rx/Tx lines and connect the module direct to RS232 level shifter? (inverted?) “