[RC232] Can two gateways communicate with each other? No, that is not possible. Last Update: August 8, 2017 December 13, 2016 1813 RC232 Q&A Related Knowledge Base Posts -[RC232] “i have some questions for RC1701HP-RC232. Need the “tx” pin a levelshifter or driver-ic (our previous experience with RC1280 was a f—ing 100KR impedance!!!) ? Are on the “tx”, “rx” and “cts” pins resistors in series? Can I connect “tx”,”rx” and “cts” directly to a MCU (XMEGA @ 3,3V)? “[RC232] What is the Tx current if I change the Output power?[RC232] “We need to cover a LOS of up to 1Km While having the antenna approx only up to 1m above ground level. Can this be achieved with RC2500-RC232 with 1dBm output? “