Line of sight the range is around 5-700m, at lowest RF data rate. The range is heavily depending on the obstacles (if any) in the transmission path and as well if the antenna height
can be above 2m over the ground (the higher the better).
An alternative is to use the RC1180HP (500mW version, same footprint), but of course this module drains more current so it might not suite your application. Range line of sight with 500mW is 2-3 km.
Last Update: August 8, 2017
December 20, 2016
RC232 Q&A Related Knowledge Base Posts - [RC232] When the MAC layer has a packet to send, it will use a carrier-sense-multiple-access (CSMA) protocol to determine if another module is already transmitting. If another module is transmitting, the module will receive that data before attempting to transmit its data again. If, during this process, the UART receive buffer gets full, the CTS line will go high to prevent the host UART from over-running the receive buffer. The CSMA mechanism introduces a variable delay to the transmission channel. This delay is the sum of a random period and a weighted period that is dependent on the number of times that the module has tried and failed to acquire the channel. For applications that guarantee that only one module will be transmitting at any given time, the CSMA mechanism can be turned off to avoid this delay. [RC232] Does your module comply with CE, WPC, FCC and ARIB? [RC232] “I have problem to wake up RS1240 from sleep mode, in fact I can’t wake it up at all. According to documentation, config pin should be asserted when going to sleep mode, and then positive edge should wake ip module This is code I use: Config Portd.3 = Output : Modem_config Alias Portd.3 Modem_config = 1 ‘ ———— PUT MODEM IN SLEEP MODE Modem_config = 0 ‘ Assert Config pin Waitms 5 ‘ MAX Time from CONFIG pin is set low until prompt (“”>””) Print “”Z””; ‘ Goto SLEEP mode . . . Sub Send_packet Modem_config = 1 ‘ Wake up form SLEEP mode Waitms 60 ‘ Wait 60 ms to get out from sleep mode Print “”X””; ‘ Goto idle mode Led_tx = 1 Printbin Paket_start Printbin Data_packet Led_tx = 0 Modem_config = 0 ‘ Assert Config PIN Waitms 5 ‘ MAX Time from CONFIG pin is set low until prompt (“”>””) Print “”Z””; ‘ SLEEP mode End Sub But, module stuck in sleep mode, and dont send enything. When I comment all lines regarding sleep mode, module work fine. Where I’m wrong? I should deliver device this week, and this is only problem I have to resolve. “