[RC232] I would like to know how to use the pins N°27 and 28 on the RC2500HP Pin 27 and 28 must be left open. Last Update: August 8, 2017 December 20, 2016 2218 RC232 Q&A Related Knowledge Base Posts -[RC232] “I bought the RC1180RC232DK (USB). Need quickly connect both modules to RS232 lines, to made a wireless path between angle-sensor and test PC. The actuator should only send each packet (packet of 4×8 bit angle values) to connected PC. Always active after power-up. Is enough to disconnect the jumpers from/to Rx/Tx lines and connect the module direct to RS232 level shifter? (inverted?) “[RC232] What is the Tx current if I change the Output power?[RC232] Maybe you have some documents or test reports about the influence of the data rate to the range in the same system?