[RC232] For RC1140-RC232 Is the total current consumption is: 24mA+35mA = 59mA ? It is 24 mA in RX and 35 mA in TX , not the sum of the two. Last Update: August 8, 2017 January 25, 2017 2194 RC232 Q&A Related Knowledge Base Posts -[RC232] “We need to cover a LOS of up to 1Km While having the antenna approx only up to 1m above ground level. Can this be achieved with RC2500-RC232 with 1dBm output? “[RC232] Which RC232 module is recommend for India?[RC232] Can we have the power consumption on RX mode (standby mode, waiting for any RX to come) be as low as 2-3 mA? (On the spec it is 24mA)