[ZNM] we are looking for some wireless nodes that implement 802.15.4 in the 2,4GHz band

“We do offer a series of 802.15.4/ZigBee modules.
Our HW-offerings include two different physical sizes and also different antenna options.


This is an ultra compact variant measuring only 12.7×25.4mm (0.5” x 1′) for limited PCB area usage. This solution is also pin compatible with our wireless M-Bus, KNX-RF and RC232 solution


The AT variant include an internal chip antenna on the module. This makes the antenna design easy and also very compact.


The CT variant includes an U.FL compliant connector. This enables the use of an external antenna giving flexibility and also enables the use of high preformance whip antennas.

All our 802.15.4 modules is available as extended range versions (-HP). These module include both an internal power amplifier in transmit and a low noise amplifier in receive to maximize range. This gives an impressive system value of 119 dB, which indicate a line of sight range of above 2.5 km with a good antenna.

We also offer a range of firmware solution to suit all customers. We offer these ZNM-firmware based in ZigBee® PRO. It is preloaded with a ZigBee® PRO compliant stack and offers an easy to use API via UART or SPI to an external processor. The external application processor can be of any type or brand, and the development can be done with the tool and platform most convenient to the developer.

Some customer wants to write their own SW solution based on a supplied ZigBee stack, 802.15.4 MAC stack or proprietary solution. We also offer HW platform for this this. Our module is compliant with ZigBee PRO certified Z-stack from Texas Instruments. Based on this free-of-charge stack, the customers can write their own application inside the RC24xx HW platforms. With a total flash size of 256kB we offer the largest space for customer application in the market.

    Last Update: November 9, 2017  

    November 9, 2017   1991    ZNM Q&A