[ZNM] Can the ZNM module support transparent data? No, the data has to be packaged in a SendData packet / frame format. Last Update: August 8, 2017 December 20, 2016 2009 ZNM Q&A Related Knowledge Base Posts -[ZNM] “We use the Zigbee Network module RC241x/RC241xHP and we would like to know if this devices are ESD sensible. Can you give us the ESD sensibility? ‘”[ZNM] Does your product support ZigBee Light Link?[ZNM] “For executing “”SYS_RESET_REQ”” command, I’ve processed as follows; set “”MRDY and SS”” to “”low”” & check the status of “”SRDY”” to “”low”” -> in host processor, sent “”SYS_RESET_REQ”” command -> waited the result of “”SDRY”” to “”high””, but not appeared “