The same as point to point communication.
Last Update: August 8, 2017
January 25, 2017 2303 RC232 Q&A
Related Knowledge Base Posts -
- [RC232] “i have some questions for RC1701HP-RC232. Need the “tx” pin a levelshifter or driver-ic (our previous experience with RC1280 was a f—ing 100KR impedance!!!) ? Are on the “tx”, “rx” and “cts” pins resistors in series? Can I connect “tx”,”rx” and “cts” directly to a MCU (XMEGA @ 3,3V)? “
- [RC232] I’m not currently using flow control, and am having an issue in correctly identifying the start of each 64 byte packet. My understanding of CTR/RTS is that they wouldn’t help in this? Is there a signal that shows the start of each packet?
- [RC232] 2. If the module is powered down when not required for RX/TX, what is the power up time before it can be used to transmit? – is there failsafe way which indicates WHEN the module is ready to transmit, or determine this by checking something?