You will egt better range than RC1780HP if you select RC1701HP. This runs on 169 MHz and will have typ 5 times the range of a 868 MHz solution if all other parameters are the same (Output power and data rate, channel bandwidth). UNB stand for Ultra narrow band and is supported by RC17xxHP family.
Last Update: August 8, 2017
December 20, 2016
RC232 Q&A Related Knowledge Base Posts - [RC232] “we are building an application with one master boat, which communicates with 150 slaves boats (obviously in open sea). Each slave boat will have a bit rate of 1Kbps to the master boat, the signal range must be till 2km. We are considering using RC17xxHP-RC232 modules to communicate with master boat and slaves. Our questions are: It will be the RC1780HP-RC232 module suitable for this application, or you propose some other module? It’s possible with this device to create a multipoint network (one master, many slaves)? Does your modules have frequency hopping function? “ [RC232] “We are drawing a new board which used your module RC1180. We are in a final phase. For the interface with the our µC, we connected only the pins : – RxD & TxD for module configuration and normal use for communication – Pin Reset, Pin 19, Pin 20 : for future programming (case of firmware update) Also, we connected the pin Vcc and ground with recommandations described in your data sheet. I would like to know, if we can use functions of test carrier transmit, modulation transmit and permanent receipt with only the pins RxD and TxD (RTS, CTS and config not connected to our µC but available on test pads). Do you have a procedure to put this module in test mode. For a firmware upgrade, could you confirm us that we need only Pin 19, 20 and reset ? “ [RC232] Can you give a guidance on the range in a city and non-line-of sight?