[TINYMESH] Do you provide Tinymesh on CC13xx family from Texas Instruments? No, we currently do not provide Tinymesh on CC13xx. Last Update: August 8, 2017 December 21, 2016 2019 Tinymesh Q&A Related Knowledge Base Posts -[TINYMESH] What is the maximum communication range for Tinymesh?[TINYMESH] “We want a RC1740TM-DK but I doesn’t found this article in your price list. On your web side stand >>> contact Radiocrafts” – what does this imply? “[TINYMESH] One question for RC End device mode. We need to sense two edges of a limit switch. This limit switch has pushpull output and we would like to use sleeping radiocraft tinymesh without external uC. Is it possible to switch off internal pull up at GpIo and wake up on both edges to transmit message automatically?