Theoretically yes… you may compress and code the audio signal to 10-20 kbps and do a time duplex protocol to get two-way audio link. But it’s not a killer application for us, the modules are not really targeting data streaming as in audio/voice.
Last Update: September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
RC232 Q&A Related Knowledge Base Posts - [RC232] When I set the transmit power to the smallest value, is only the transmit power reduced or also the receive power? [RC232] Using a switching power supply from 12V to 3.3V, switching at 300 kHz, and a 1% ripple output; do I need extra filtering? [RC232] “I have problem to wake up RS1240 from sleep mode, in fact I can’t wake it up at all. According to documentation, config pin should be asserted when going to sleep mode, and then positive edge should wake ip module This is code I use: Config Portd.3 = Output : Modem_config Alias Portd.3 Modem_config = 1 ‘ ———— PUT MODEM IN SLEEP MODE Modem_config = 0 ‘ Assert Config pin Waitms 5 ‘ MAX Time from CONFIG pin is set low until prompt (“”>””) Print “”Z””; ‘ Goto SLEEP mode . . . Sub Send_packet Modem_config = 1 ‘ Wake up form SLEEP mode Waitms 60 ‘ Wait 60 ms to get out from sleep mode Print “”X””; ‘ Goto idle mode Led_tx = 1 Printbin Paket_start Printbin Data_packet Led_tx = 0 Modem_config = 0 ‘ Assert Config PIN Waitms 5 ‘ MAX Time from CONFIG pin is set low until prompt (“”>””) Print “”Z””; ‘ SLEEP mode End Sub But, module stuck in sleep mode, and dont send enything. When I comment all lines regarding sleep mode, module work fine. Where I’m wrong? I should deliver device this week, and this is only problem I have to resolve. “