[TINYMESH] We have to used Radiocraft tinymesh product such as RC1170/71HP-TM for street light application, Question : How to update SID after deployment for same sid for Gateway device? Our requirement is to update the RF parameter such as SID,UID,Device type and other parameter first time or after filed deployment. according to your configuration in OTA update, we are able to set first time and after deploymnet configuration for only Router device . we are not able to read Get status and configure Gateway device after deployment from over the air through RF device. Please tell proper suggestion, how to update Gateway device Configure SID from over the Air through other Rf same Gateway device.

The gateway is always connected to a network and the assumed process is:
– From the gateway/cloud.
o Change the system ID for all devices in network
– The change the System ID for the gateway itself through the ‘M’ command.

Note that the gateway must always be the source for that SET-CONFIGURATION.

    Last Update: August 8, 2017  

    June 15, 2017   1785    Tinymesh Q&A