[W-MBUS] “After different test, it seems that ‘s’ command works only in ‘RX only’ mode (test 3). Is it normal? “ Yes, you must force RX mode before using the ‘s’ command. Last Update: November 9, 2017 November 9, 2017 1661 Wireless M-Bus Q&A Related Knowledge Base Posts -[W-MBUS] I would like to know what is the exact configuration and settings on the MBUS Demo tool to setup a repeater between a slave and a master?[W-MBUS] Does MBUS3 or MBUS4 support over-the-air FW download (OAD)?[W-MBUS] I have one development board Wireless M-Bus (RC1140) that we got in 2010. HW version 1.2. I’m pretty sure this is out of date in software revision. Could you please advise latest FW revision and procedure to upgrade?