[W-MBUS] How do I install a meter using the CCT

Here is an example on how to install a meter using MBUS-CCT:

Meter Address:
M-field: AABB
VER: 01
DEV: 07

Install meter in MBUS-CCT:
1. Enter config
2. Send B command and wait for prompt
3. Send meter address location (1-64) and wait for prompt
4. Send the meter address   as ‘0xFF 0xEE 0xDD 0xCC 0xBB 0xAA 0x01 0x07’ (A-field before M-field ) and wait for prompt.

Reading a installed meter in CCT:
1. Enter config
2. Send L command and wait for prompt
3. Sender meter location to read (1-64)
4. The module will send out 8 byte which is the installed meter address

    Last Update: September 22, 2017  

    September 22, 2017   2143    Wireless M-Bus Q&A