[TINYMESH] page 8 in the data-sheet lists HW and FW versions with 2 bytes length, but the corresponding config bytes are 4 bytes long. How are these values comparable? The config bytes are ASCII coded, while the packet data is binary Last Update: September 22, 2017 September 22, 2017 1976 Tinymesh Q&A Related Knowledge Base Posts -[TINYMESH] A poll revolution of 5min or better is required.[TINYMESH] I am currently developing a new product using your RC1180HP-TM module and after scanning the entire datasheet, I couldn’t find specific information regarding some RF parameters, namely: modulation, bandwith and frequency deviation. I have configured the module to operate in channel 13 at full power and data rate of 76.8kbit/s.[TINYMESH] What is the ‘RSSI Acceptance Level’ configuration parameter?