Our Industry Leading Sub-GHz Mesh Just Got an Upgrade: RIIM 3.1.0

Radiocrafts has just released a new upgrade for RIIM, our industry leading sub-GHz IP mesh solution. The new version of the RIIM SDK now supports Microsoft Visual Studio Code support which includes automatic build and uploads. This makes it easier to work with the SDK for those who have little experience with makefiles, scripts etc.

The new version of the RIIM SDK also supports 3 new bug fixes for:

  • I2C and UART Communication
  • UDP Communication
  • High Packet Density

You can read more about these bug fixes including a description of the issue, modules affected, suggested work arounds before the fix, and the final fix of the issue in our latest errata note for the RIIM SDK.

If you are interested in testing the new RIIM SDK for your own project, you can buy a RIIM development kit either from Digi-Key or from a distribution partner near you!