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The idea behind this blog is to share our extensive knowledge of Low Power RF Networking with you while simultaneously creating a more enjoyable environment where you can interact with us and other fellow blog readers. We will talk about various different subjects including range, low power, dense networks, node count, energy harvesting, and more. We hope you enjoy your reading experience and your fruitful discussions with one another!
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Application Specific Blogs
What Does An Efficient Smart Irrigation System Look Like And How Can This Be Achieved?
Did you know that approximately 70% of the total volume of water withdrawals in the world are used for irrigation? And as you might guess, that is also where most water waste happens. Around 60% of the water meant to be used for irrigation is lost, either due to evapotranspiration, land runoff, or simply inefficient … Read more
Why Are Building Energy Management Systems Becoming Important and How Can We Properly Implement This Into Our Own Buildings?
Energy Management… Everyone at some point in their lives have heard of this term, especially in recent years, where saving energy is becoming paramount to the future of organizations worldwide and planet Earth itself. Much of the importance in saving energy stems from a global need to save energy which affects global energy prices, emission … Read more
What Does An Efficient Smart Street Lighting System Look Like and How Can This Be Achieved?
Street Lights. They are a part of our everyday life, so much so, that we don’t even notice or acknowledge them sometimes. The only two things most people know about street lights is that during the night they light our sidewalks and roads and during the day they are shut off and unused. We may … Read more
What Does an Efficient Waste Management Model Look Like and How Can We Enable This?
The new era of IoT is being enabled by the proliferation of various devices like RF IDs, sensors, and actuators. Smart devices are now embedded in our surrounding environments to monitor and collect ambient information. In a city environment this leads to what is called a Smart City framework where intelligent services can be offered … Read more
Solar Industry Revolution And The Impact of Wireless Communication
Radiocrafts Experience in the Solar Industry Our familiarity with the solar industry extends over several years, as we’ve been serving customers within this sector for a long time. These customers sought our services proactively, without significant outreach on our part. Although we offer radio solutions across diverse segments, a noticeable trend emerged a few years … Read more
Wireless Solar Tracker Systems For Maximizing Solar Power Generation!
Solar is one of the many renewable energy resources which plays an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and lowering our carbon footprint helping us negate the effects of climate change. Furthermore, solar energy can improve the quality of the air we breathe, reduce wasteful water use from energy production, and is critical in … Read more
Trending Topic Blogs
Why Should You Simulate Your Wireless Mesh Network In The Early Design Phase of The Project?
When a customer wants to design a wireless mesh network(WMN), it is harder to predict how the network will behave compared to regular star network. And two identical networks do not exist. Parameters that differ from case to case are: • Number of nodes • Network Topology (where nodes are placed relative to each other) … Read more
What is Cloud Development? And Why Should You Use Real Sensor Data Versus Simulated Data When Developing Your Cloud Application?
Cloud computing is gaining popularity as more and more businesses are launching public and private cloud computing initiatives. In fact, the cloud computing industry is one of the fastest growing today. According to Gartner, a leading research and advisory company, the revenue for global public cloud services is forecasted to reach $411.4 billion in 2020. … Read more
Energy Harvesting Is The Future of IoT, Fact or Myth?
Did you know that every hour on the Earth’s surface falls enough solar energy to meet the world’s energy needs for an entire year? This is a mind-blowing fact which needs to be exploited if we are to find a more sustainable way to use energy. The modern world, has rapidly begun to study renewable … Read more
What Are The Advantages of IPv6?
IPv4 has been the reigning Internet Protocol version for several decades now, even to this date. The IPv4 address space is 32-bits which allows for just over 2^32, or, 4 billion addresses which, up until now, has been sufficient. Recently, we are seeing a trend where virtually everything and anything is connected to the internet. … Read more
What Are The Advantages of a Mesh Network?
Did you know that the internet itself is a mesh? Unlike traditional networks governed by internet service providers, mesh networks do not have a single point of failure. As long as you have a single wired router within the coverage range of other nodes, the network will continue to operate and will not go offline … Read more
Cloud vs Fog vs Mist Computing, Which One Should You Use?
Did you know that by 2020 it is expected that up to 65% of all enterprises will be using IoT devices? It is becoming increasingly obvious as well that the IoT and the cloud have an inseparable Romeo and Juliet type relationship, however, only about a third of the data collected by sensors worldwide are … Read more
How Can We Cope With The Rapid IoT Expansion and Subsequent Increasing Number of High-Density Networks?
Do you remember the fun old days? When regulating the temperature in your home was more of a guessing game than anything else because you would receive no feedback from your heating devices. It was always too hot or too cold and you could never seem to get that perfect temperature correct. Those simple times … Read more
Why Are Sub 1 Gigahertz Low Power RF Technologies Becoming So Popular?
Did you know that by 2020 it is estimated that the number of IoT devices being used will reach up to 50 billion? That is correct, the Internet of Things (IoT) industry is still very young and growing rapidly. Technically, the human civilization is experiencing a new wave of internet connectivity where smart IoT devices … Read more
Why Is My Module Not Reaching The Anticipated Range?
Did you know that wireless communication technologies’ range can vary drastically from a 20 cm maximum range with the Near-Field Communications (ex: secure payments using contactless communication) to a staggering 700km range reported for 868 MHz LPRF radio transmitted from a high-altitude weather balloon? (Fun record but not useful other than in a research article) … Read more
Expert Guide to Picking The Best Wireless Technology For Your Use Case
Engineers tend to look at a wireless technology in a more feature-oriented sense. What interesting features does one technology have compared to others? As cool as features are, there are more important aspects to consider when picking a suitable technology. Therefore, in this blog post we will talk about what truly matters when picking a … Read more
Technology Features Blogs
Time Synchronization, How to Orchestrate with RIIM?
Out of all the cool features we can discuss about RIIM today, we have chosen to present one of the most requested (hence beneficial) features in RIIM, Time Synchronization! Assume you are in charge of a smart irrigation network, and because you have been listening closely to Radiocrafts’ webinars, you chose to implement a mesh … Read more
A Simple and Reliable Solution For Embedded Industrial Control!
You are probably familiar with the phrase “Less is More”. A phrase which has gained more popularity recently as it has been adopted by numerous manufacturers and service providers as their design philosophy. In a world of increasing complexity, some peace and simplicity are indeed required. At Radiocrafts, we seized the opportunity to create a … Read more
The Different Approaches to FCC certify a Radio Solution in the License Free Band 902-915 MHz
All wireless solution operating in the 902-915 MHz frequency band in the US and Canada must be certified to FCC requirement in US and IC requirements in Canada. Requirements in US and Canada is very similar and for the rest of this text on US and FCC regulation is considered. For FCC, the different sets … Read more
Who Are The Wize Alliance and What Are The Benefits of The Wize Technology?
The sudden and seemingly endless increase in the urbanization process currently taking the world by storm is raising problems and concerns about the perceived quality of life in urban environments. Smart and effective solutions must be conceived and deployed in order to tackle the many issues related to public and private safety, healthcare, supplying of … Read more
All LPWAN Sensor Data Creates Actionable Insight, But How Much Data Can Be Lost Before The Insight Loses Its Value?
All LPWAN connected sensors serve a purpose, they generate some insight. This insight is used in a business process to generate value for the business or their customer. Let us exemplify: A parking sensor sends data each time a parking place is occupied or made available. This data can be used to guide the cars … Read more
Why is Multicasting Becoming Essential for Mesh Networks?
A large mesh network can have hundreds of nodes where sometimes, a collective message needs to be sent to all devices or a large group at once. Sending a collective message is important when you want to update a certain parameter in the entire network, for example, sending a “DIM UP” message to a street lighting … Read more
The Truly Impressive Range and Reach of The 169 MHz ISM Band
The sudden and seemingly endless increase in the urbanization process currently taking the world by storm is raising problems and concerns about the perceived quality of life in urban environments. Smart and effective solutions must be conceived and deployed in order to tackle the many issues related to public and private safety, healthcare, supplying of … Read more
Why are 169 MHz Solutions Becoming Essential For The Sustainability Of Our Growing Cities?
Range, when you have a good line of sight is one thing, but, how efficient is a technology when you have several obstacles such as building walls in the way? Many RF technologies today are unable to work efficiently in dense urban areas. This is a problem that has been present in the radio world … Read more
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Hi Eric, Thank you for the kind feedback. We will surely use your link as a reference for more informative and fun content!
Kind Regards,
Radiocrafts Team